Sophia D.'s review of DIA Kitchen & Bath

DIA Kitchen & Bath

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 12/5/2013
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My husband and I decided that we wanted to get our kitchen redone. We have dealt with a horrible contractor in the past who, to make a long story short, kinda screwed us for our money and didn't come thru. So we were kind of weary on who to use for this
next project. We went around to a few different places including home depot to get some prices. Some were high and some were right in the middle. We came across the add for DIA Kitchen and Bath in the City News and we decided to stop in. From the moment we
walked in we were amazed at the showroom. It smelled like cupcakes (from the yankee candles they had burning). There was something different about this atmosphere that made us feel relaxed. You can go to any showroom and see cabinets and what they have to
offer but it was the staff that helped make our experience more positive. We walked in and met with Peter, who we later found out was the owner. His knowledge in this area definitely showed. He was able to answer all our questions with utmost honesty. He told
us things to look for not only in material of the product but what to look for in pricing. To ask questions, whats included? etc. We had him come out and take some measurements. We came back to the showroom and he laid out everything for us. It was broken
down line by line exactly where we would be spending our money. It was a nice change to see this. He worked with us in creating the perfect layout for our kitchen. Upon leaving he gave us a reference list and told us to call anyone of the people on the list
and they would allow us to go over and see their completed project. My husband and I took a few days to discuss and realized that Peter and DIA Kitchen and bath would be the best solution. We signed up and after about a week and a half he presented us with
a schedule. This was a huge help. He had project managed everything for us. There was no headache of keeping track of who was going on what day, it was laid out for us. Peter was amazing throughout the entire process. Keeping us updated on what was going on
and stopping by the house on multiple occasions checking up on his workers. The project was finished 5 days earlier than the schedule had projected and we couldn't be any happier. There were a few bumps that came in the project but when doesn't that happen?
We called the staff at DIA immediately and Alyssa (the other girl that works there) was able to help get things rectified quite quickly. Overall, I recommend DIA Kitchen and Bath to anyone who is looking for an honest, trustworthy, reasonable, and friendly
company. We are getting our bathrooms completed next year and will not hesitating calling them.
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