Review 5/12/2008
Notary 2 Your Door is a terrific site for anyone seeking to become a Notary Public. As President of the company and Program Coordinator, Violet really cares about your progress from fledgling student to commissioned and practicing Notary. I signed up for the course on the web site, but was not sure I could complete the course online as I was having some issues with my Internet provider. I opted instead for the home study course and it was fantastic. I read through the book once and took the sample test provided with the course. I did quite well with the test. I took Violet's suggestion and read through the material every night before going to bed. I passed the Notary examination the first time I took it. I have just received my commission and look forward to the next four years. When it comes time to renew, I know there is only one place I will go for the refresher course -- Notary 2 Your Door! Violet is a prime example of what good customer service is all about!! To me, Violet is a mentor and a friend.