Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 10/22/2020
. 1
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Please Stay Away!
On every package we would send, we would purchase insurance from them. This happened maybe for good year. Luckily that year we purchased insurance from them, we really never managed to filed a claim being that all packages were arriving safe. Well, the day finally came where we had to use their service for the first time, a package arrived damaged and we filed a claim for the first time. The process was very detailed, they asked for tons of proof, pictures, etc etc.. we managed to provide every single thing they asked. Days passed without a response until we receive an update that the claim was denied due to the reason that we used our personalized tape with our company logo... yes, thats right... just for using tape with our company logo. This is extremely ridiculous.

We used their services through, and im sure everyone, if not 95% of all users using ShippingEasy are businesses. Im also sure at least 50% have either company boxes with logos, personalized tape, or some kind of logo. This has to be one of the dumbest reasons I've seen or heard when denying a damage claim. It would be nice for them to display "Do not use personalized tape or logos on your box" as a header on their homepage, or putting a note before purchasing their service. I can guarantee their sales would decline and no one would be interested in using their services. Funny how they have it on their disclaimer, and only way you find out is there is because they tell you to go read that sentence when they decline your case.

Please people, beware, and read their disclaimers and policy first. For a few extra dollars, just go with the courier insurance and stay away from shipsurance. Its definitely not worth the $3-$5 dollars you're saving. You'll end up losing more.
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