Ebridge 877inmyzip llc Fraudulently Bills on ATT bills via PaymentOne
Ebridge Advertising - fradulent billing that can be easily attached to your att business phone bill - beware. Ebridge, or 877inmyzip LLC, PaymentOne and even ATT are all in collusion to make it very easy for a company with questionable business ethics to bill for phantom services via att business phone bills (my bill says ISP web host monthly fee). Ebridge (if this is the actual entity that recieved the funds) has some real progress to make with their billing, dispute resolution and overall genral business practicies if they want to be something other than a fly by night rip off operation. Let's be honest if Ebridge was operating their business correctly, there would not be the number of complaints there are online about their business practices - this is an FTC and CPUC action just waiting to happen.
So, apparently after a sales rep cold called my business, (where they claim an employee that was unauthorized to sign on behalf on the company authorized a negative option on their services after a 30 day trial) I guess we agreed to be submitteed to 100 search engines for $99.95 per month + 7.50 in local taxes.
What they conveniently sidestepped here is actually talking to someone at the business that understands internet marketing who would have been able to assess the value of their services and make a proper decision based on a real exchange of informaton. I happen to work in the internet marketing space. The company apparently cannot produce the agreement that their verbal authorization is based on in wrtitten form (some kind of month to month aggreement that PaymentOne and ATT go along with for a fee) and is unwilling to refund the money they stole from my company through my ATT bill.
Their stellar customer support team knows the drill well, I was stonewalled by a woman by the name of Monira Monsry (false name I am sure) who claimed she was actually going to be doing me a favor by cancelling the agreeement. When I asked her if I called her house, spoke to her kid and got them to verbally agree to allow me to tag an extra $100 on her phone bill how she would feel if I kept telling her that I had a legitimate authorization to take this money because her kid had given the verbal authorization. And of course this agreement woudl be based on some script that I could not recall or share. Her suggestion to properly resolve this issues was to take the company address and write a letter to them and explain my postion. She could not give me a refund because this is what she was directed to do by her boss - who of course she could not name, nor could she give an indication of the size of the company that I was forced to do business with (without my consent).
I get that this company may have a decent product at some level, I guess, but who knows? The rest of theis business practices are garbage and anyone the any sense will stay a mile away from ebridge, 877inmyzip llc. And, both PaymentOne and ATT should face some harder questions when vetting the kinds of business partners they are willing to work with - none of this is right and it creates a huge waste of time and energy for all involved when the only real beneficiary is ebridge collecting from people who are not looking at their bill carefully. This post is really just to help anyone avoid this kind of thing in the future - but yet another example of the waste of time and energy companies with questionable business practices impose on unsuspecting consumers, parasites, the scum of the bottom of the bad business bucket - the principal owners, partners, managing members (whatever corporate structure they are using to hide behind) of these businesses should actually have to put their name on these businesses so that people would have an idea of who they are and how they operate.. Ebridge and PaymentOne (and even ATT) are in the business of defrauding businesses with flimsy verbal authorizations that are not based on real contracts. If they were all doing their business right, they would deliver whatever it is that their customers are agreeing to in written form with a window of time to review the actual agreement and then have their client make the decision to accept or not. That wouldn't make them as much money but it would save everyone a lot of time and energy. From what I gather here, they are using some loophole in the "fair billing" laws and masquerading as a real communications service provider which allows them to do the third party billing via att, it is a scam. Where is the FTC and the CPUC, how may people have to go through this before they actually do something?